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Halitosis: remedies and treatments

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It is a problem that causes a strong sense of discomfort and in many cases we do not realize we suffer from it, because our sense of smell gives precedence to odors external to the body. Halitosis refers to the unpleasant odor of the air coming from the oral cavity, rich in gases produced by bacteria capable of metabolizing food and cellular residues. How to deal with this annoying problem?

I battery which reside mainly in the cavity oral and in saliva and they are capable of producing compounds sulphured such as hydrogen sulfide, the methantiol, short-chain fatty acids such as butyric acid and propionic acid, biogenic amines such as putrescina and the cadaverine. These substances as they are birds they are transported outside thanks on exhalation and during phonation, thus determining the bad smell breath.

Foods that promote bad breath

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Al awakening having some bad breath is a condition normal, as there is a lower production of sulfur compounds birds, because during sleep the production of saliva decreases, breathing slows down and there is no talk.

In the absence of pathologies of the stretch gastrointestinal, generally they are habits food and ours lifestyle to affect the quality of our breath. Foods rich in sulfur such as garlic, onion, the Furthermore, egg, cabbage, i clams, crustaceans, the sweet pepper and spices, especially the curry, contribute abundantly on the “heaviness” of our breath even for later many hours from them ingestion.

To observe if the situation gets better, in addition to the foods already mentioned, for a period it will be appropriate reduce the consumption of meat smoked, some fish, milk, cheese, especially soft and smoked, coffee, beer, wine and spirits, sugary type drinks cola and fruit juices in which the high contained in sugars favors the proliferation of battery and their metabolism.

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Other causes of bad breath

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Bad breath can also be caused by long periods of fasting between meals; in fact the frequency of meals, the process of self-determination carried out by saliva and food and the mechanisms of chewing, they favor both removal bacteria and substances in which proliferate.

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Other factors that determine bad breath, since reduce the secretion of saliva are: the assumption of alcohol and medications (antidepressants, antihistamines, antihypertensives, diuretics, anxiolytics), infections oral cavity (gingivitis, paradentitis), smoking, respiratory tract infections (sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis) and of the apparatus Gastrointestinal (gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis, hiatal hernia).

How to have fresher breath

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Per face up to and to solve the problem of halitosis it is first necessary to make a correct one oral hygiene, using it brush by teeth at the end of each meal and rubbing the surface of the tongue with a toothbrush a lot soft to delete any residues of food.

Eat foods rich in water, like vegetables, fruit and vegetables, in particular celery, cucumbers, grapes, zucchini e carrots, precisely because their high content of water promotes the production of the saliva which, acting from detergent, promotes the freshness of the breath. obviously his lots of water, tea, lemon juice, infusions and herbal teas, especially those based on anice e melissa.

For those who spend a lot of time out home, the use of tires from to chew. For a complete oral hygiene we recommend the use of mouthwashes and toothpastes rich in zinc, which promote oral hygiene, saliva secretion e self-cleansing. Make periodicals rinses with water e bicarbonate after brushing your teeth, it helps to prevent and to reduce bad breath, as it makes the environment alkaline and therefore not suitable for development bacteria. Useful is the chewing of herbs aromatic, especially mint, rosemary, timo, basil and salvia.

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