Home » Bosera Fund: Revitalizing the stock and reducing the leverage of infrastructure REITs is of great significance

Bosera Fund: Revitalizing the stock and reducing the leverage of infrastructure REITs is of great significance

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CBN 2021-06-21 14:24:26

Editor in charge: Hao Yunying

Boshi Fund Infrastructure Shekou Industrial Park Fund Manager Wang Qiaochu told reporters in an interview that the first batch of infrastructure public offering REITs were selected from the best. Although the amount raised is not high, it has completed the development process of my country’s REITs from zero to one. . Moreover, as a REITs product that focuses on infrastructure construction, it will also play a better role in supporting and promoting my country’s infrastructure construction in the future.

Bosera Fund: Revitalizing the stock and reducing the leverage of infrastructure REITs is of great significance

Boshi Fund Infrastructure Shekou Industrial Park Fund Manager Wang Qiaochu told reporters in an interview that the first batch of infrastructure public offering REITs were selected from the best. Although the amount raised is not high, it has completed the development process of my country’s REITs from zero to one. . Moreover, as a REITs product that focuses on infrastructure construction, it will also play a better role in supporting and promoting my country’s infrastructure construction in the future.

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