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Supplements for males and females: are they really useful?

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TO relieve anxiety and stress, to recover from fatigue, to sleep better or to strengthen your immune defenses… On the shelves of pharmacies and supermarkets there is always a colorful bottle full of promise. According to the latest analyzes, with over three billion euros every year, food supplements are a lively market, overall stable, which thanks to the pandemic and the burden of health concerns has also marked a slight increase in value over the previous year, with purchases made by force of circumstances mainly online.

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Those who consumed supplements even before the pandemic – shows for example a survey commissioned by Integratori Italia, the Italian trade association belonging to Confindustria – showed in the most difficult months of Covid a greater awareness and attention to their health, with an increase in the regularity of micronutrient intake, and with the extension of this behavior to other family members.

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Today, the packages are expertly customized, by gender and age, so as to satisfy the different categories: elderly people looking for a help for their memory, pregnant women worried about the health of the unborn child, adults who are a little older and still want to feel sexually active.

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Yet, now says an analysis published in the’Italian Journal of Gender-Specific Medicine, we wouldn’t really need gender-specific supplements. Because after all, at our latitudes and with our standard of living, a balanced diet would suffice to provide our body with everything necessary to live in health.

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“Supplements are very useful if the treating doctor sees a specific deficit of micronutrients, an imbalance to be restored – he explains for example Roberta Masella, who heads the Prevention and Gender Health Unit of the Gender Medicine Center of the National Institute of Health, author of the article together with her colleague Annalisa Silenzi – however, integration is often used on self-prescription and without a valid reason “.

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Of course, gender differences in supplementation are evident in some periods of life. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is used for example by women of childbearing age and who want to conceive, to reduce the risk of malformations in the fetus. Young women may be advised to use iron, to restore the losses of this element with menstruation (about 25 percent of European girls show a slight deficiency due to menstruation).

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In men, zinc supplementation can contribute to prostate health. But calcium is instead important for both males and females of a certain age, to compensate for bone demineralization, as well as, in some specific cases of deficiency, iodine or vitamin D. The point is that the marketing proposes and requires multivitamins, prepared with multiple micronutrients, he adds Masella, while it would be more appropriate to select only those that are really needed, and only after the doctor has also established the appropriate concentrations.

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“In general – underlines Masella – there are differences in nutrition between men and women, also due to differences in metabolism: men eat more because they burn more, women accumulate excess fat in different areas of the body. But the percentage of different nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the organism is substantially the same in both sexes. Gender differences, however, count again when it comes to the risks of accumulation, in the event of an excessive intake of micronutrients “.

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“If the threshold values ​​of supplements based on water-soluble elements, that is, that dissolve in water, are exceeded, this can represent an overload for the kidneys”, concludes Masella. “Fat-soluble substances, such as vitamins A or K, instead dissolve in fat and are stored differently in the male and female organism, with a greater risk for the latter precisely due to the differences in the arrangement of body fat, with risk of hypervitaminosis “.

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