Destriero could become LADY MYTHOS for the Hunt of the legendary Blue Ribbon of the Atlantic in 2nd Run

The fragile longforeboated world‘s one and only Racing Yacht Destriero (yom 1991) with 3 F/A-18 Hornet fighter aircraft naval derivates turbines with total 60.000HP has earned before to go for retirement into a museum a second chance to win finally the legendary Blue Ribbon of the Atlantic.

The Blue Ribbon is/was the Award for ever fastest Emigrants Passenger Ship from Europe to USA. These Emigrants have fled before war, religious/ethnic persecution, hunger crisis, etc. 

The International Speedboat Consortium under Captain Roger Klueh, USA-Cuba Speedboat Worldrecord, had publicly addressed this circumstance and the desired wish.

Udo Stern, spokesman of the Consortium, who knows and loves the extraordinary boat (“women come and go – the boat remains“) since more than thirty years, said the winning of the Blue Ribbon would close the lifetime cycle and Karma of the boat and would transform her from icon status into the real (neon acidgreen) Lady MYTHOS and that Roger would hand over Prince Aga Khan the legendary Blue Ribbon Trophae for his Naval Life Work.

The hellride on the Atlantic’s razorblades not only because of the tenthousands of lost but floating just below sea‘s surface containers would be explicitly dedicated to PEACE AND FREEDOM because of the actual and historical reasons. One Russian and one Ukrainian should be among the international staffed 12-head crew for 24h for 2days+ for permanent cruising shifts without any pitstop – really not a ponyfarm.

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