Destriero could become LADY MYTHOS for the Hunt of the legendary Blue Ribbon of the Atlantic in 2nd Run

The fragile longforeboated world‘s one and only Racing Yacht Destriero (yom 1991) with 3 F/A-18 Hornet fighter aircraft naval derivates turbines with total 60.000HP has earned before to go for retirement into a museum a second chance to win finally the legendary Blue Ribbon of the Atlantic. The Blue Ribbon is/was the Award for ever … Read more

Bungee Fitness Explained

We’ve all heard of bungee jumping, right? This whole level of craziness started in the 1970s and basically entails getting yourself strapped into a harness, tethered to a bungee rope, and then you stand on the edge of a canyon. Next, you fling yourself off, reach the end of the bungee rope, and get catapulted … Read more