While being one of the most famous text formats, PDF has become widespread on the Internet due to its undeniable advantages over the DOC format. A PDF file can always be seen as it is, can be printed, and cannot be edited either intentionally or accidentally. Many programs allow you to open and read a PDF file. In addition, they can be stored in favorites, and sent by email. This is very convenient if you do not have access to the scanner. Also, reviewing a file, underlining text, scaling, following links, and other tools are available. PDF files are easily replicated in any number of copies.
When do you actually need the PDF combiner?
Sometimes the processing of PDF files is required. The resulting PDF file must contain more pages, as a result of the merge, or vice versa. In this case, the free PDF combiner download will save you from a headache, while the free 30 days trial will allow you to evaluate all the opportunities of the tool. A PDF combiner is useful, as you can upload the files, wait until they are processed, and then download the final doc. There are also combiners with the broader functionality that allow you to transfer PDF files to Excel spreadsheets and other programs.
A significant benefit of such tools is the ability to scan any printed document in PDF format, and then edit the document while maintaining the original formatting. There is no need to retype all the data, especially if there are a lot of files. If there is no need to edit the entire file, then you can process only part of the document and edit it. This is very convenient as it saves time.
In addition, according to the privacy policy, documents are permanently deleted from the server after a certain time after conversion. There are also versions for various mobile devices, thanks to which you can make changes and edit docs even outside the office. Most programs work on any platform. Using the PDF combiner, you can add new paragraphs, correct typos, and rearrange pages.
PDF Combiner by CoolUtils
There are truly a lot of decent market proposals, allowing you to combine files in PDF format. Obviously, a regular user will not notice any difference between them, however, he still needs to choose a certain tool. Dozens of free online combiners are available online, but any data security specialist will tell you that it is not safe to send your data on the web like this.
Online tools are not as secure as the desktop alternatives, which work autonomously without any Internet connection. It means that your files do not leave your desktop, and confidentiality is guaranteed. This is why we recommend using the PDF Combiner by CoolUtils. With this tool, you get a number of the most necessary features:
- Processing thousands of PDF docs and their combining;
- Creation of the Table of Content;
- Merging of files;
- Cover page creation;
- Removal of blank pages;
- Attaching the mp3 files;
- Opportunity to process files of different formats (Word, XLS, JPEG, TIFF, etc.).
So, having downloaded the desktop version of CoolUtils, you get a very practical and useful tool, able to save you a lot of time. If you constantly work with thousands of documents in different formats – you simply cannot ignore this software.
In Conclusion
Of course, PDF Combiner by CoolUtils is only one of the useful tools that you should have on your PC. Working with big volumes of files can be complicated, especially if you don’t use various data converters. Indeed, we can do much more if we use special tools for routine tasks. This is the same as making your morning cappuccino in the coffee machine instead of doing it yourself.
Whether to use the online combiners or download the desktop version is up to you. Of course, if you deal with some corporate secrets or personal data of your clients, it is not worth risking. Licensed versions of the software will properly secure your data, providing you the precise result in a matter of minutes. What else is needed?